Grandpa's Chicken Feeders Blog

5 Backyard Chores For Your Chickens

By Grandpa's Feeders | February 15, 2022

Chickens are actually hard workers! Here’s what they can do to help you on the farm. When most people think about the work chickens do on a farm, it’s usually their role in laying eggs to feed the farmer’s family – and, perhaps eventually, become a Sunday dinner to enjoy. In truth, chickens can do…

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Are My Hens Eating Their Own Eggs? Yes, They Might Be – And Here’s How to Stop It

By Grandpa's Feeders | January 18, 2022

We won’t call it how we see it, but yes, your chickens may choose to eat their own eggs. Here’s why and how to stop it.

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8 Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Chickens

By Grandpa's Feeders | November 10, 2021

Keeping chickens, whether for eggs, meat or as pets is a fun and easy way to add a little happiness and sustenance to your life. There are some common mistakes you might be making, however.

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4 Ways to Keep Your Chickens Entertained

By Grandpa's Feeders | October 19, 2021

Keeping chickens takes more than setting up a coop and hoping for eggs. Boredom and loneliness are both real things when it comes to chickens. They love being busy and keeping entertained. If you let your chickens be free-range, you may think that allowing them access to your yard is entertainment enough. However, they will…

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How to Protect Your Backyard Chicken Coop from Raccoons

By Grandpa's Feeders | September 3, 2021

Backyard chicken coops have become a popular way to raise an interesting pet while providing your family with delicious eggs – but what happens when those pesky raccoons come to play? Here’s how to protect your coop.  Raising chickens in a backyard coop is easy and fun – and let’s not forget delicious. Although raccoons…

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5 Things Every Beginner Backyard Chicken Raiser Should Know

By Grandpa's Feeders | August 17, 2021

Raising backyard chickens is easier than you may think – but there are still some things you should know.  Raising chickens is more than providing you and your family a reliable, delicious food source. It’s also an exciting way to bring entertainment to your day – these little guys can be quite social.  It may…

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Want to Raise Chickens? Chicken Breeds for Beginners

By Grandpa's Feeders | July 1, 2021

If you’re just getting into keeping chickens, there’s going to be quite a bit to learn. Thankfully, you’ll learn a lot as you go and it will all be worth it when you’re enjoying your fresh-picked eggs for breakfast and dare we say; you might even just grow to love them!  One of the first…

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How to Deal With Chicken Bullies

By Grandpa's Feeders | June 11, 2021

Chickens are highly intelligent creatures. Having a backyard or farm chicken coop not only provides you with eggs and nourishment for you and your family, but it can also be an entertaining experience. However, when a bully joins the flock, it can lead to a stressful time for you and your hens. Is my chicken…

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large chicken feeder being used by a few chickens

5 Essential Tools For Chicken Raising Beginners

By Grandpa's Feeders | April 23, 2021

Raising chickens can be rewarding for anyone, thanks to their easy upkeep. Once you’ve taken care of your chickens’ three basic needs (food, water, and shelter), your days are pretty much set to watch those little cluckers frolic in their coop. There are some essential tools, however, that you should keep in mind to keep…

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10 Healthy Treats For Chickens That Your “Peck-y” Eaters Will Love

By Grandpa's Feeders | April 7, 2021

Chickens are a huge investment, and their feed can cost up to 75% of your monthly expense. Nevertheless, we do get attached to these lovely creatures and often want to gift them with a special treat that’s still healthy.  What not to feed your chickens Chickens can be “peck”y eaters, but there are also specific…

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